Thursday, October 20, 2011

Scrabble in the Sukkah October 17

During Sukkot, there are many stations like this one set up for Jewish passerby to fulfill the mitzvah of shaking the lulav and etrog. It is free and a great way to get more Jews to do this for the holiday. Rafi and I, for one, did not purchase our own lulav and etrog. These can be very expensive. Instead, we were able to go to one of these sukkahs to shake the four neccessary species. This was actually my first time EVER doing this mitzvah, so I definitely said a special shehecheyanu for the occassion.

The little boys helping me out were super cute! They were eager to help.

Rafi and I had stopped here specifically so that I would be able to shake the arba minim (four species) before we headed to the bus for David Spolter's Scrabble in the Sukkah get-together.

Scrabble in the Sukkah was a really fun gathering of invited Jerusalem Scrabblers. I knew most of them from Scrabble Club here with Rafi. We arrived a bit later than we had anticipated because traffic was so bad on the highway to David's house. We ended up getting there alright, with David picking us up after we got off of the bus.

Rafi played a few games with a Scrabbler from Tel Aviv who he had never played before (and of course, he won both games). We had a wonderful dinner of pastas and tuna with salad. Dessert was brought by Zev Kesselman - his wife (and my friend from Scrabble Club), Lee, made her "famous" cheesecake and peanut butter chocolate bars. I have her recipes for both! After dinner, more Scrabble games commenced. As I read "The Birth Partner" I heard the clicking of Scrabble tiles being shaken around in the tile pouch. I think that this sound has actually begun to be rather soothing to me; a kind of comforting and normal noise :)

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